BODIES: Prologue


8 billion. That’s the number of bodies that make up the world. And mine is one of them. And so is his, and hers, and theirs, and ours. The sizes they vary, and from them, personalities spring, some of them pleasant and some of them not.

As far as size goes, mine falls into the medium range–short enough but not petite, wide enough but not round, golden enough but not tan, innocent enough but not angelic. As far as personality goes, mine is more pleasant than not–sociable enough but not loud, observant enough but not distant, witty enough but not rude, innocent enough but not angelic.

1 of 8 billion.

That’s me.

That’s him.

That’s her.

That’s them.

That’s us.

US. It’s that one that lingers in mind for much longer than the others. What bodies make us? There’s me and there’s… who? 8 billion bodies in the world, and it’s that ONE that lingers in mind for much longer than the others.

There has to be one.

Somebody. Anybody? Everybody. Nobody?

“It’s me.”

Follow me on instagram: @thecrazedpoet

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